South Florida Proton Therapy Institute

Proton therapy center offers advanced cancer treatments to the Palm Beaches

Gilbane provided construction management at-risk services for the construction of a new 36,000 SF, two-story outpatient medical office building facility that houses proton therapy and linear radiation within the Delray Medical Center campus. The Delray Proton Therapy center stands amongst a select group of hospitals in the United States that offer proton therapy using the latest technology.


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Project Overview

  • The goal of the project was to create a state-of-the-art radiation oncology center for cancer treatment using a proton beam and linear radiation technology
  • A cyclotron particle accelerator, proton beam line, and treatment gantry are at the core of the facility
  • Support space included a clinic, proton support, CT, reception, staff, and utility space.

Gilbane worked with a large team of subcontractors, engineering consultants, equipment vendors and the architect to optimize the design for mechanical systems and MEPFP coordination within the facility. Gilbane’s in-house VDC team worked with 16 different parties to provide services including filling in model scope gaps, coordinating MEPFP systems, and laser scanning to deliver a high-quality end product.


square feet




miles of highly conductive wiring

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