Roosevelt High School Modernization

1930s-era high school transformed to a new 21st-century learning environment

By the end of October 2015, Roosevelt High School was completely transformed from an old, dilapidated 1930s high school to a new 21st-century learning environment. Its crumbling ceilings and cracked floors were restored to their 1930s glory, while the dark and gloomy interior became a thing of the past.


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Project Overview

  • This project included the historic renovation, systems modernization and expansion of the 331,900-SF high school on an occupied and active campus
  • The team utilized design-assist subcontractors for MEP trades, careful planning of lead times for glazing and atrium skylights and an early package for geothermal wells to streamline project execution
  • The team procured an early selective demolition package to accelerate the schedule and identify existing conditions to support the concurrent design process
  • Throughout the process, our team maintained close communication and coordination with the RSHS faculty and administration housed in an adjacent school on campus
  • Efforts were focused on minimizing the impact on school operations and campus traffic, maintaining full and safe access to campus athletic fields and ensuring a safe and clean site

The team met its 50% local business participation (CBE) goals for this project as well as the DC workforce utilization goals under the newest DC First Source legislation.

Quick Stats


square feet


awards won


CBE participation

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