The applied use of VR technology as a training tool is especially effective in health care settings. VR training provides a safe and controlled environment with realistic scenarios. Our Media Studio team members will develop real-time virtual reality environments such as patient rooms, nurse stations, operating rooms and more for simulation and training purposes.
Gilbane’s training platform provides a realistic health care environment for users to walk through and identify various conditions culminating with an interactive citation report to see how well the user or “player” recognizes code or guideline violations. Some will be easy, such as giant happy birthday cards on a patient door, while others, such as an out-of-date fire extinguisher inspection, will take a keen eye to detect. Players will walk through the simulated St. Hypothetical Memorial Hospital and will be tasked with finding all the violations and eliminating survey citations.
The Media Studio team also will be developing two additional levels of difficulty, one in which the player will have to discern exactly what was violated with each object, and another where the problematic objects will be much more subtle.
We are excited to support ASHE through the development of this platform for years to come as both an educational tool as well as a testing program.
Save the Date
Brian Garbecki will present on a featured panel at ENR’s BuildTech Conference on March 10, 2021, discussing Applied Virtual Reality and explaining how Gilbane is using VR for ASHE’s training program to deliver potentially lifesaving virtual learning experiences. Learn more about the conference and register today.
About Gilbane’s Media Studio
Gilbane’s in-house Media Studio team creates design visualizations that can be utilized as a powerful educational tool and a dynamic resource for planning and communication. Employing the latest in 2D, 3D and 4D imaging along with detailed modeling, professional photography, and videography, these visualizations move beyond simple renderings and basic storytelling by creating powerful visual representations of your project.
About ASHE
With more than 12,500 members, ASHE is the largest association devoted to professionals who design, build, maintain, and operate hospitals and other health care facilities. ASHE members include health care facility managers, engineers, architects, designers, constructors, infection control specialists, and others. ASHE, a professional membership group of the American Hospital Association, is a trusted industry resource that provides education, regulatory guidance, networking, advocacy representation, and professional development for our members.