As part of the program, students with developmental disabilities learn life skills to foster their independence. The facility consists of six classrooms, a makerspace, and a mock-up of a furnished apartment. Classes are offered to a diverse community of learners aged 18 and older. Students learn everything from simple tasks like how to make a bed, load a dishwasher and do their own laundry. This specific classroom space is intentionally not ADA compliant, so students can learn to thrive in a real-world environment. The various educational opportunities help to provide seamless transitions to career pathways and community integration for students.
Adult education in California has over 1.2 million students who take classes through the public school system. Nearly 75 percent of these students enroll in program areas of English as a second language, citizenship preparation, basic literacy, high school diploma, and vocational education. Through the program, California offers learners a wide range of knowledge and skills necessary for both a competitive economy as well as a better quality of life as citizens, workers, parents, family, and community members.
The East Side Adult Education Program is a high-profile program, bringing much value to local residents by providing access to learning opportunities that many of its students wouldn’t otherwise have. It also sits in a prominent location, just in front of the school district’s main office, serving as a pillar of the community’s inclusive environment. Gilbane is honored to have been a part of a project that supports its community and closely aligns with our core value of caring.