Special Edition: How are Crossfit and Corporate Interiors related?

March 14, 2019
Evan Synstad

As a collegiate athlete and overall sports fanatic, I largely attribute any career success, overall health metrics and most of what I have enjoyed over the years to athletics.  When I stepped away from collegiate athletics, I struggled to find…

Insights from the Public-Private Partnership Conference & Expo

March 12, 2019
Karen Medeiros

As the U.S. Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) market advances, public and private participants alike face a unique set of opportunities and challenges.  In 2018, certain P3 sectors – including transportation and utility infrastructure – scaled quickly, while others, including social infrastructure,…

Celebrate Women in Construction Week

February 26, 2019

Each year for one week in March, our industry comes together to celebrate National Women in Construction (WIC) Week; a seven-day opportunity to highlight women as a visible component of the construction industry.  Held next week from Sunday, March 3…

Reducing Ligature Risks in Healthcare Facilities

February 19, 2019
Brian Garbecki

As the need for behavioral healthcare facilities is on the rise, it’s important to note the special provisions required in these types of buildings. Patient safety is of particular importance, as oftentimes patients in behavioral healthcare facilities are in an…

February is Heart Healthy Month

February 12, 2019
Rebecca Severson

Alongside with Valentine’s Day, February marks American Heart Month, a perfect time to commit to a healthy lifestyle and make behavioral changes that can lead to a lifetime of heart health – and not just for the month. Heart disease…

Gilbane Releases its Sustainability Playbook

January 29, 2019
Adrienne Franklin

Gilbane’s Sustainability Council is encouraging all employees to make a positive impact on the environment with its recently launched Sustainability Playbook to all of its employees across the globe. This initiative is designed to eliminate waste, reduce pollution, promote recycling…

User-friendly platform boosts customer experience

January 15, 2019
Ken Grothman

Better the Client Experience Through Technology Building Information Modeling (BIM) is now considered a go-to practice in the construction industry and is intended to go beyond two dimensions, allowing teams to see a project as a 3-D model representation of…

Student Engagement and Inclusion on K -12 Projects

January 8, 2019
Mike Marcella

More than 80 percent of our projects within the K – 12 education market have been completed in occupied schools or on occupied school grounds.  This poses unique challenges, not only as it pertains to the safety of the students,…

Tracking and Trending Design Data to Deliver Target Value Design

January 1, 2019

The target value design process should focus on making decisions that keep the project moving forward and on budget.  To do that, it’s important to understand the true value to the owner, including their vision for the project. You must…